Payment Policy

Payment Methods

With a confirmed address, we gladly accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. Our shopping cart system uses 256-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology to secure all credit card transactions.

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Discover Network
  • American Express
  • PayPal

Canadian and International Orders, Checkout and Payments:

Before placing your order, please contact us at, call us at (844) 844-1339 , or use the contact us form.

Payment Terms:

Prior to shipping, all orders must be paid in full. Payments that have been declined due to insufficient funds, erroneous billing information, or suspicions of fraud will not be sent. At our discretion, we reserve the right to cancel any transaction or conduct extra verification.

Sales Tax:

All purchases picked up locally or mailed to a California location are subject to the Los Angeles, CA sales tax, which is calculated using the California Board of Equalization's Tax Table (9%).

Authorizations and Holds:

Prior to shipping, orders are not charged. When an order is placed, an authorization is sought. To allow us to complete the transaction, credit card providers and PayPal may place a hold on the requested amounts in your account. This does not mean that the money has been transferred to us; they are still under the ownership of the firm or bank that processed your payment.

We will attempt to issue a charge for the permitted funds once all security and inventory checks have been performed successfully. If any problems emerge during the procedure, you will be contacted. Please wait 24 to 48 hours for orders to be processed completely.


Due to a suspicion of fraud, unauthorized or illegal behavior, Cerwin Vega maintains the right to refuse to perform any transaction, sale, or shipment of items. We screen all received orders for fraud and other sorts of unauthorized or illegal conduct as part of our order processing procedures.

When an order is discovered to be out of stock or discontinued, we may automatically refund your payment. When this situation develops, you may or may not receive a refund notice email from us. Please check your account for details on your refund. If you have any additional questions, please email us at, call us at (844) 844-1339, or use our contact form.

We reserve the right to cancel a purchase at any moment if the price is incorrect.

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